Inner view | Concentration, inner peace, equanimity and insight through experiencing retreat days in everyday life.

Course content

Our mind has a tendency to be very distracted and restless, constantly moving from one thought or feeling to the next. We stabilize our mind and emotions by meditating, remaining mindful and aware in everything we do. Concentration allows us a deep insight needed to dissolve habitual delusions and attachments that cause confusion and suffering. Once we are free of these delusions and attachments, we can directly experience joy, compassion, and the wisdom of our true nature.

In this course the focus is on experiencing inner peace and balance. A deeper experience of this can happen in the experience of individual retreat days in everyday life. For this reason, we intersperse a common retreat day in each month with more intensive practice of meditation, silence and inner vision.

Course times

9 course sessions x 3 hours
or 3 hours introduction plus 4 full retreat days (10-17).


Ingrid Lama, Begonienstrasse 12
8057 Zurich Oerlikon
Tel. +41 79 902 98 32