Meditation and spiritual inspiration

Who doesn't know this: we resolve to meditate every day and with time our good resolution falls by the wayside?!

This course is for anyone who wants regular spiritual inspiration, group meditation, and a bit of self-knowledge to keep in their daily lives.

Course content

The course is about regularly taking time for your own spiritual development:
Each session includes space for shared meditation, input or inspiration on a spiritual theme such as love, compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, perseverance, etc., as well as encouragement for self-reflection/self-awareness.

This course is also suitable for beginners; a prerequisite is an interest in meditation and spiritual themes as well as openness to different methods that lead to self-reflection: creative writing, mindfulness training, oral exchange, and philosophical and psychological aspects of human existence.

Course times

9 course units of 3 hours


Ingrid Lama, Begonienstrasse 12
8057 Zurich Oerlikon
Tel. +41 79 902 98 32

Upon request, I am also happy to teach at a course location of your choice.